10 Popular Fundraising Platforms for Ukraine: A Comparative Overview

In the current crisis in Ukraine, financial support is one of the most effective ways to help. There are many fundraising platforms, each with its own features and advantages. Here is an overview of ten popular fundraising platforms for Ukraine by Gather, including information on how to donate for the ZSU, make a donation for the Ukrainian army, and learn how to become a volunteer.


1. National Bank of Ukraine

  • Description: The official government account for supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • Advantages: Transparency and government support.
  • How to donate for the ZSU: Go to the website and follow the instructions for transferring funds.
  • Website: [bank.gov.ua](https://bank.gov.ua)

2. Come Back Alive

  • Description: One of the largest funds supporting the Ukrainian armed forces and providing assistance to civilians.
  • Advantages: Extensive experience, numerous completed projects.
  • Donation for the Ukrainian army: Make a donation through the fund’s website.
  • Website: [savelife.in.ua](https://savelife.in.ua)

3. Serhiy Prytula Foundation

  • Description: A foundation collecting funds for the purchase of equipment and other needs for the ZSU.
  • Advantages: Support from well-known figures and transparent reporting.
  • How to donate for the ZSU: Follow the instructions on the foundation’s website to transfer funds.
  • Website: [prytulafoundation.org](https://prytulafoundation.org)

4. United24

  • Description: The national fundraising platform launched by the President of Ukraine.
  • Advantages: Official support, broad options for donors.
  • Donation for the Ukrainian army: Select the appropriate section on the platform’s website.
  • Website: [u24.gov.ua](https://u24.gov.ua)

5. Razom for Ukraine

  • Description: A charity organization raising funds for medical aid, education, and humanitarian needs.
  • Advantages: Comprehensive approach, support from the diaspora.
  • Website: [razomforukraine.org](https://razomforukraine.org)

6. Nova Ukraine

  • Description: A non-profit organization providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • Advantages: Variety of programs, flexibility in providing assistance.
  • Website: [novaukraine.org](https://novaukraine.org)

7. GlobalGiving

  • Description: An international platform for fundraising for various projects, including support for Ukraine.
  • Advantages: Global reach, reliable platform.
  • Website: [globalgiving.org](https://globalgiving.org)

8. Save the Children

  • Description: An international organization focusing on helping children in conflict zones.
  • Advantages: Extensive experience, focus on children.
  • Website: [savethechildren.org](https://savethechildren.org)

9. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

  • Description: An international organization providing medical assistance in conflict zones.
  • Advantages: Highly qualified medical personnel, rapid response.
  • Website: [msf.org](https://msf.org)

10. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

  • Description: An international organization providing humanitarian aid and protection to victims of armed conflicts.
  • Advantages: Long-standing history, high reputation.
  • Website: [icrc.org](https://icrc.org)

Platform Comparison

  • Transparency: National Bank of Ukraine, United24, Come Back Alive
  • Experience and Reputation: ICRC, MSF, Save the Children
  • Flexibility and Variety of Programs: GlobalGiving, Nova Ukraine, Razom for Ukraine
  • Government Support: National Bank of Ukraine, United24

How to Become a Volunteer

In addition to monetary donations, you can learn how to become a volunteer. Many of the listed organizations offer opportunities for volunteer work. This can include helping collect humanitarian aid, participating in awareness campaigns, and providing support on the ground.


Choosing a platform for donation depends on your priorities and beliefs. Each of the listed organizations provides reliable and verified ways to support Ukraine. Regardless of the platform you choose, your donation for the Ukrainian army makes a difference and helps bring victory closer.

We at Gather support your efforts and call for solidarity in helping Ukraine. Let’s contribute together and help those in need.
