Can Air Conditioning Really Make You Sick?

A thermostat serves as a control Air Conditioning for your HVAC system just as the brain serves your body, it is essential for the proper and efficient functioning of your HVAC System. Your HVAC system might malfunction due to technical faults in the thermostat, and therefore a HVAC specialist such as Surrey Air is here to repair this crucial element, otherwise the rest of your system is useless and will continue to malfunction. Here are some essential elements of a thermostat you should know:

  1. Thermostat Batteries:

It always pays to be safe. Don’t wait for your thermostat batteries to die before you change them. Read your thermostat manual for when to change the batteries because every thermostat has its usage. It is recommended to at least change the batteries every six months.  

  1. Temperature Control

It is better to set a thermostat at a constant temperature, instead of cranking it up during downtime or turning it off completely when you go out. Because as it goes your HVAC system does not take as much time to regulate the temperature as it does to bring the temperature back to the desired temperature after it’s been off for some time. 

Nowadays there is an option of using a programmable thermostat. It allows you to conveniently maintain efficient climate control and use lower energy that results in lower utility bills. You will also save time by eliminating the constant need to manually adjust settings.

We place a large amount of trust in our air conditioning. It is something that keeps us comfortable when the weather is too hot or too cold. But what if there was something wrong and air conditioning could make us sick?

Air conditioning is all around us: at home, at work, in the car, etc. The list goes on. Normally there is nothing to worry about. A well maintained heating or cooling system is perfectly good for your health and can even provide health benefits with fresh, filtered air.

However, if that unit has not been maintained, then you are breathing dirty, low quality air. It is a recycled mess that could cause you and your family to feel sick.

This could lead to allergy flare ups, breathing problems, skin irritation and more. Many of these issues fall under the umbrella of air conditioning sickness. If you are unfamiliar with the term, this is all you need to know about how an air conditioner can make you sick, the symptoms, and how to avoid it.

The Signs of Air Conditioning Sickness

Perhaps you are already feeling a little unwell and just have not been able to put your finger on the cause. Maybe it is a seasonal bug or something you caught from the kids. Alternatively, it could be air conditioning sickness.

Common air conditioning sickness symptoms basically mimic the traditional flu, or perhaps even hayfever. For example, you could experience symptoms like a sore throat from air conditioning, plus:

  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • headaches
  • fevers and chills
  • fatigue
  • watery eyes or dry eyes

These minor symptoms are all fairly harmless, albeit annoying. But they do pass quickly once you are no longer breathing in low quality air conditioning air. Prolonged exposure to a dirty system is a different matter. And if you are allergic to air conditioning then you must address the risk of more serious side effects.

Uneeb Khan
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