Video Jeeves Shares Ways Whiteboard Animated Videos Help Businesses


You must have seen videos on the internet where things are drawn on a whiteboard for explaining any product/system. There’s no denying the fact that whiteboard animated videos are enticing and fun to watch. These videos can transform even the boring messages into exciting ones. Along with the entertainment, whiteboard animation has so much to offer. It helps businesses grow, increase profits, and improve recognition.

In this blog, we will explain ways by Video Jeeves, a leading video animation company, in which whiteboard video animation help businesses. These explainer videos are one of the best tools for business promotion. Nowadays, small to enterprise-level businesses are using this medium of communication to market their business to audiences.


Whiteboard animation has quickly become one of the leading ways of product/service marketing. More and more brands are using these videos to garner new traffic and gain the audience’s trust. Following are some of the benefits whiteboard videos offer to businesses:

1.      Convey More Material in Reduced Time

In the hubbub of today’s world, none of the users have got the time to read wordy texts. This is where a video does its magic. A video conveys more information in lesser time. It easily explains the details and the mechanism without consuming much time. Moreover, people enjoy watching videos more as it saves their time.

2.      Enhanced Information Retention

Studies suggest that people retain 15% more information through whiteboard animated videos than traditional videos. This explains why whiteboard animation has taken the marketing world by storm. Whiteboard animations play a crucial role in helping people retain information and details. This makes videos very resourceful for marketing purposes. Furthermore, these videos are known to enhance the recalling power and improve the long-term retention of information. How do these videos do so? These videos directly instruct the brain to function in a particular way. Besides, it tells the brain where to look and which information to hold in mind.

3.      Transform Complex Topics into Simpler Explanations

What words and images cannot do, videos can. Where words fail, videos cast their spell. Whiteboard animated videos excel at explaining difficult concepts through simpler explanations. Whether you are looking to showcase your product, its features, or teach how it works, a whiteboard animated video will come in handy.

4.      Improves the Brand Recognition

More information is absorbed through videos. Hence, videos do better at improving brand recognition than any other medium of information transmission. In addition to this, one more advantage that these whiteboard animated videos have over text, images, or any other video type is that these videos are comprehendible even by people who are unfamiliar with the language. They can tell what’s happening just by watching the video.

5.      Visually Impressive

Although whiteboard video animation is simple with minimal visuals used, it still has the potential to spark excitement in the audience. However, these videos are a great way of capturing the viewer’s attention and retaining it. Moreover, these videos impress the audience to the point that elevates the chances of them converting into customers.

6.      Higher Conversions

Whiteboard videos not only excite and entertain the viewers, but these videos also improve the conversion rate significantly. Studies show that the use of a short whiteboard animated video boosts the click-through rates and social shares. Consequently, this leads to a higher conversion rate that improves the revenues generated by the business.

Final Words

Whiteboard Animated Videos are ideal for marketing purposes. Moreover, the use of these videos helps brands grab the attention of the audience and convey the message in minimal duration. Furthermore, these videos are also affordable, making it easy for small businesses to reap their benefits.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.